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    Free U.S. shipping on any subscription and orders over $55
    Minimaal $55

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About JOI
JOI has created the perfect base for creating simple, yet flavorful meals with one simple ingredient of your choice. The JOI line of almond and cashew milk base gives everyone the power to diversify their wellness plans with one simple ingredient. Whether you are committed to a plant-based lifestyle or simply, delicious nut milk that elevates your breakfast or afternoon snack to pure perfection, JOI is your source for that solution. JOI’s selection of high-quality protein sources satisfies the whole family and allows everyone to stay committed to eating food that’s good for you and our environment. JOI also makes it easy to get creative with your meals and plant-based treats. With the catalog of recipes available on the JOI website, making the most delicious cream sauce, healthy and sweet treat, or creamy mac-and-cheese--it can all be found by visiting the JOI store’s website.
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